
Saturday, 28 February 2015

A fool's play!

Listen to the wise, they tell you not to get attached to material things, to temporary abodes and even this sojourn on Earth.
Listen to the wise and live a protected life
Listen to the wise and be contended
but happy, though? Would you be?

Happiness comes at great costs sometimes.
Be a little stupid, a bit more wreck less that you can afford, and feel that rush of joy sweeping through your soul.
Be happy.
But just for a little while.

Life gives you lemons, a lot of them. But always sour.
And my tolerance for sour is very very low.
You seem to enjoy the taste of lemon.
Good for you.

I think sometimes, of the way our lives are right now. This is going to be the end of an era. And sooner, rather than later, we will be saying goodbye to life as we know it.

These pavements can relate to me,
I can relate to them.
They tread over my heart, making permanent impressions.
I tread over them, with my dragged steps, and leave nothing but dust behind.
Doesn't that tell you something about my permanency?

I am just a speck of dust. Then again, so are you.
You walk upon this world, unaware of what goes around you.
I walk around, unaware of what fate may hold for me.
Will I regret my life?
Will you regret my life?

This is a height of overestimation that I assume my influence of any kind over your life.
My life is essentially governed by sentences full of ungratefulness, followed by a "but".
It is a desperate attempt to make myself feel better.

The thing is I love this city. But I cannot live in this city forever.
I want to, but something stops me.
I like it here. but it makes me sad.
Sadness is the breaking point.
If it makes me sad, I close my heart to it.
I like my selfishness. It protective. Its like my mother's hug.

The nights, the roads, the lights that you see when you blur your vision; just a glimmer at the end of a dark tunnel, they tie me down,
But, oh but! How I grieve!

The smell of food,
the smile of a fool in love,
the gratitude of a man is distress,
the sound of horns and sirens at dawn,
the sky clear as ever,
the sky full of clouds,
the sky with the moon shining gauntly over,
the sky just before a storm,
the sky with that beloved dome in view!
This sky!
I want this sky over my head forever.

Too tempting, too risky.
But love is a fool's play.

Your grieve for your beloved, but you will find him.
I grieve for my beloved, I am destined to leave soon.

Its a gamble one has to make and I am about to loose it all. Its a gamble after all.

People come and people go. Some give you a little more importance than others. Some give you none, yet you give them more attention than you give others.
A fool's play!

Words loose all their meaning at the end. Because nothing matters anyway,
Words leave your tongue, resonate through the air, meant for the ears that aren't mine.
Words make my heart bleed.

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