
Saturday 10 October 2015


This might just be the most self important thing that I have ever written.
But its allowed.
Because its my birthday!!

22 years and still happy. Quite a feat if you consider how things go with young people these days.
Payar shayar. Heart breaks. You know the drill.

Before my best friend reminds me again not to be cocky and mock those in love - ekh- because I might just get slapped in the face with love myself, I better get to the point

I am not big on to-do lists, bucket lists, grocery lists or any lists for that matter.
But it is a very sad thing to admit that I have never ever as a child made a bucket/wishlist. I don't even have those famous three wishes prepared in case a Genie pops out of the next mug I buy.

So here is to the things I would want to do before 10-10-16.
Yess, that's my 23rd birthday, which hopefully would be exams free. *fingers crossed*


1- Learn to take better pictures-nay selfies. As much as it pains me, the sneaky front camera always beats me. WHY? It's almost it doesn't want me to take pictures. ugh.

2- Finish A Cuckoo's Calling, even if it kills me

3- Get thin

4- Remain thin

5- Stop obsessing over having no clothes

6- Get more clothes. (Oh, this totally negates the purpose of stop obsessing but I really don't have anything nice)

7- Read a book of a genre that I usually don't read. (Suspense maybe. But it will probably torture me since I hate to be in suspense)

8- Watch 10 things I hate about you at least 20 times. Again.

9- Complete Castle season 5 onwards. You don't just give up after this long.

10- Unfollow half the people I usually follow on Instagram. This includes Instabollywood to top the list, as much as I enjoy seeing Indian faces all the time, I never get to see any of my friend's feed because of it.

11- Get better at chess.
I am big enough to lose, thankyou very much :D

12- Play at least one badminton match in a competition. Though I have come to the point of losing to my baby brother, who in my defence isn't much of a baby any more, I  have yet to test my skills. Better late than never.

13- Start using a day cream regularly.

14- Stop expecting people to go an extra mile for me. (Not gonna happen)

15- Stop texting and irritating people when I am bored.

16- Pay attention when people are talking. DONOT phase out in the middle of the sentence and catch up in the end while pretending I was listening all along.

17- Limit using my cell phone. It is a part of my arm these days. Why, why!! :O

18- Get a new laptop. (That Dell Inspiron 5558 ci5 touch is such bling bling that I have convinced myself to spend 33k of my savings on it. Still 30k short. Accepting donations though ;))

19- Learn to live without coffee.
*slowly dies inside*

20- Workout. Or just walk. But most importantly, get thin.
Oh right,that one is already in the list.

Here is to 22 years of happy, sad, bumpy, dramatic, traumatic, boring, exciting, sometimes lonely, hurtful, nostalgic and full of emotion life.

Hope I have a good one. Yes, I just said it. :D
Now wish me a happy birthday and scoot.


  1. Happy Birthdaay :D
    And might I just add; "What an interesting list and realsitic too."

    1. Except for the laptop i am afraid.
      Thankyou! :ad

  2. There is no last cup of coffee or tea 🍡. Even if you're gonna die after finishing that cup. Unless you're an atheist. If that's the case then I feel really sorry for you.

    P.S. So you're the same person who was on WordPress. Cool. Nice blog. Happy birthday. May Allah be with you in every walk of life. Jazak Allah.

  3. P.P.S. We serve coffee 🍡 in abundance on We make sure that no cup of coffee 🍡is the last one. #JustTellingYou

    1. Yeah i saw that one too.
      How and why do you have three blogs? :O
      I barely manage one.

      P.s. Jannat will have alot better options than a a cup of coffee. Mine may just be the last one anyway.

    2. I was just trying to be funny. I suck at it. Jannat will be fun lol. Anyways I have two blogs. One has all the literary content. Like short stories and poems. The other one has all the random bakwas. I don't know why people like the bakwas one more than the literary one. And yeah the third one is only the mixture of them. The one on WordPress that is. I used to write a lot. I still do but mostly in comments as you can see. Irritating I am.

    3. Now I see it was a joke
      Haha sorry about that.

      You have written quite alot. I read a few aricle of each one of your blogs.

      P.s. commenting is fun. More so than blogging :D

    4. Yes and P.S. is more fun :P
