Its a dilemma of the modern world
Its a topic that no one touches
Because deep down, we all are corrupt.
I know it
And I am sure, you know it too
The fact that I let my comrades carry on with their wrong doings is because I have sinned too.
Probably differently
Probably in secret
But I am afraid the next time I tell someone that they are wrong, my secrets will come out in the open
To haunt me
Allah says that If you keep your brother's secret, I will gaurd yours.
I need to believe more staunchly
I need to remind myself time and again
People have a way of hitting where it hurts the most.
My weaknesses are lying bare infront of you

Its a complicated situation
But how, HOW can I sleep at night when I know that someone I have the power to stop is committing a sin?
How can my soul justify this to my conscience?
Why do I let my personal grievences get in the way of the job Allah has appointed every Muslim?
I must clarify, I am not perpetuating extremism.
I am not the kind of person who would judge you for something that I do and you donot and vice versa
Its merely a question of whether by stopping a wrong deed, can I make your life a little easier
Your hereafter a little better
I am a sinner as big as any
But I do have a zameer that speaks up too frequently
And this is just doing half of what "Amar Bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkir" tells me to do
Its a culture of sin
Its a culture where being wrong and misled is so easy that people are literally running towards it.
And the questions of conscience are silenced by, "If everyone else is doing it, its not a big deal."
Dumbledore very wisely said so that there are two paths: the right and the easy.
Choose wisely.
I always asked myself the question, "Would I want to be found dead doing this?"
This is all the difference you need between good and bad.
I have been struggling so far, for almost two years now to quit music.
It is hard.
I am not tempted so as to say
But every corner of this world has a song erupting from it
For me, so far its the struggle that matters.
I have been tempted too many time by many people to take off my hijab and let my hair down "for just this event".
As a dear friend used to say before she finally gave up, "wapis akay tauba krlena"
I have always been afraid of dying before I got back from that event, with my head uncovered.
Where would all my naiki go then, if I were to return to my Lord thus?
Fighting with your 'self' is quite a struggle
Hazoor e Akram (S.A.W) said, "The greatest holy war is against the self."
Self needs a little help
From people who already have found a way
If you have, lend a helping hand to others
The ship is leaving
The end is near
Save as many as you can
As the homeless guy in "2012" says on the card he is holding, "Repent before its too late."
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